Suxess Club

We got your back!

If you have no likes on social media you will not get friends, you will be an outcast, you will not get any jobs, you will not be invited to parties, your family will not be successful. This is the dark side of social media. Join a community where we validate you, we follow each other on social media, we like each others posts and comment. And then all of us are successful. Start now, and become a core team member and share the profits. Also join the book club and become a no 1 best selling author.

Change your Life

ABOUT Share Mcflair

What we’re about

Social media is the success criteria today. If you have people liking you and commenting on your posts this means you are “validated”, you are okay. The more likes you get and the more okay you are. And if you are validated, success will follow. You will get friends, you will get job offers, people will want to share your “lights” and stand next to you.


The dark side of this is that if you do not get any likes and no comments then you are “not validated”, you are on the “dark side”, you get almost no friends, you don’t get that job, people avoid you, you are not invited to that party. It’s almost like a plague. 


Suxess Club fixes this. We have a community where we know about the problem of social media. We get to know each other and we make sure to follow each other and like every post and make good comments. We become friends, we recommend each other to jobs, and make sure the other people in the club get invited to parties and events. And when this happens success will follow. Everyone in the club will get success.


We are also writing a book together. We aim to have 100 co authors. It’s called “Suxess Club, don’t be an outcast”. Here we document the journey of this club. We tell the story of everyone’s success. It will be a gigantic success story. We will make sure it’s a no 1 best selling book and this way all the authors in the book will become best selling authors. This is also a validation and something that will bring you success. Hurry up and join to not miss out on becoming a no 1 best selling author.



“Help huge amounts of people become successful in their lives. Build the best community on the planet!”

Join Suxess Club today!

The Suxess Club

With success in social media you will be accepted in society and are validated, you are “okay”, you will get friends, you will be offered jobs, you will be invited to parties, you will be successful with your family. The more likes you get on your posts, the more validated you are considered. We will make this happen for you. We are a community who stand together and we have each others backs. We will also offer you to become a no 1 best selling author by helping to turn our story into a book, as a co author.

Questions and answers

Frequenty asked questions

You get access to our community. The community has the task to make you successful in social media, and to be a place for friendship and support. The community will validate you. If you are a criminal or a bad person, a bully, etc, we will not be able to validate you and we will exclude you from the community.

We have a unique knowledge and experience in the “dark side” of social media and we help you avoid it. And we also give you a community than will validate you and make sure you get a lot of likes on every post, and comments. We also make you a no 1 best selling author if you join our book club. You will come to see us as the best and we will love you.

September and October is found members months and free. As soon as we get started with supporting each other successfully, we will start charging $39 per month. The first 100 people that joins our core team will get %1 of the profit. We will sell our book “The Suxess Club” and we will have 100 authors, we will sell it in 1 million copies+ and we will make $39 million. We will split the profit and give 1% of the profit to each author.


Why Join our Community?

Be a apart of a movement!

Be one of the Suxess Club people and achieve success in life! If you don’t get likes on social media you will stay an outcast, limited in your success. We will help you overcome. We are a movement and you will be an important part of it. You will help us validate the other members make them successful by liking them. Trying to become an influencer on your own is  is inefficient, stressful, impossible, many tried it and failed (and lost all success), instead do it together with us! Doing it together is smart! We also have AI in our community and it will help you find your new best friends.

Shot of a young man looking upset after a fight with his wife who is standing in the background


We are global. You probably will want to find you country men as well and this is possible. To be truly successful on social media we recommend using US English and that way everyone can like and comment. You can do both. Have you local region friends and also have global friends.

Scale up Journey

We start small today, september. Be an early adaptor and make memories. See us grow. Make many friends! Join the book club and become a no1 best selling author! Become part of the core team and make a profit from the community. In October we will be up and running and end of the year we will be a success. Our book “The Suxess Club” will sell out this christmas.

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